28 research outputs found

    Towards an e-Service Knowledge System for Improving the Quality and Adoption of e-Services

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    The purpose of this article is to highlight the limitations and drawbacks of existing knowledge about e-service quality and e-service user acceptance. To overcome these limitations we will propose some solutions. An extensive review of relevant literature has shown that a lot of research has already been conducted in this field. However, there is still a gap between the percentage of existing e-services and the percentage of those that are actually being used. We believe that existing knowledge could be better used by e-service researchers and especially by e-service providers, if they would have a knowledge system that would be capable of synthesizing the existing knowledge and presenting it in a more people-friendly format. The practical outcome of this article is a proposal for an e-service knowledge system, which could be used to improve the quality and user acceptance of e-services

    Towards True Process Descriptions Interoperability

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    The article describes a part of our research in the area of (business) process modeling, analysis and execution. It describes the current state of process languages and standards. It concentrates on the process model interoperability and portability problems, caused because of huge number of process modeling standards, which often do not even target the same conceptual level of process modeling. It provides an idea how to bring together those standards, using process concepts mapping into Petri nets and incorporating the usage of process patterns. Transformation to strictly formal process languages has a potential to prove itself as a fair solution with the following advantages: the number of mappings among different process languages is reduced and the process model can be analyzed using proven Petri Net or general graph algorithms. Development of the approach is still in its early phase. Mapping rules to/from process patterns are neither strictly defined nor trivial, therefore, they will be the main focus of our future research

    Družbeni mediji

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    Upravljanje informacijskih tehnologij in storitev

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    Integrated model for assessing the success of software frameworks

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    Osrednji predmet disertacije so programska ogrodja, ki ob ustrezni uporabi spadajo med najbolj učinkovite tehnike ponovne uporabe programske opreme. Predhodne raziskave so ugotovile, da na uspeŔnost uporabe ogrodja bistveno vpiva obseg uporabe ogrodja oziroma Ŕtevilo instanciranj ogrodja. Zato smo si za osnovni cilj disertacije zastavili preučitev dejavnikov, ki povečujejo obseg uporabe ogrodij in s tem njihovo uspeŔnost. Pri tem smo se osredotočili na uporabniŔki vidik dojemanj ogrodij, ki vplThe focal research object of the thesis is software framework, which represents one of the most successful software reuse techniques, if used under proper conditions. Researchers already demonstrated that the success of using frameworks increases with the amount of framework use respectively number of framework instantiations. So, the main objective of the thesis was to investigate factors, which impact the amount of framework use and consequently the success of framework use. We oriented the thesis t

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    Empirical research methods poster

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